Friday 29 May 2009

Womble's infinite reasons for grumpiness – Part 5 The Endless nights

Okay this is pissing me off. It's two in the morning and I am sat writing this moanathon, which you might be glad to hear, is my last in the series. You might be over the moon with this idea because finally my, decreasing in popularity, reasons for grumpiness is coming to an end. I have taken you through my bog standard day, and I bet you're not impressed. It took a lot longer than what I thought it would, and it has nearly killed my exam effort. The fact that at this time in the morning I could be doing Maths is beyond me. In fact my head is starting to hurt so much from all this moaning, that I just don't know if I can stand up or not. Regardless, I must finish.

Well the most annoying thing about not being able to get to sleep, is the fact that there is nothing to do. There is never anything thing on TV, the Internet is always off and I have completed all of my Pokémon games too many bloody times. So that leaves one question, 'How the fuck do I cope?' The answer is I don't. I try and I try to get to sleep but I just cant do it. No matter how hard I fucking try. I have even tried all the coffee in the world, it just doesn't help.

Now the thing with the TV is that there might be something on until like twelve, but then it just gets shit. Unless its the Super Ball where I will stay up until dawn watching a sport I have no idea what the fuck is going on. A bit like cricket really. So I will often get bored and sit on the couch. Not watching anything, and not doing anything. Just sat there like a potato. An actual potato.

But that's not all I can be bored at. It wouldn't be as bad if I had the internet with me, but unfortunately my lap top just seems to die after about Ten Thirty when the power has been cut. This one of the reasons why I have wrote all this on paper first. The other reason is my curse, which is dyslexia. If you don't have dyslexia then you don't know what its like, and if you do then you don't know what its like, as I like to think myself as unique, but I know I'm not. The hardship I have to go through by writing these things of crap. I have to treble check my spelling and grammar. And even after that I don't normally get it right. In fact I will take more time checking these piles of paper, than I do actually writing them. The most annoying thing is that I actually use to enjoy writing these and now they have become a chore.

So where was I? What Japan needs to do it create more Pokémon games on the Gameboy. No I don't want a new version with different Pokémon, I want an original game with the same Pokémon. I mean how hard can it be to do this? But no I bought one of these new games for the Gameboy advance and it was a massive let down. They have all gotten so bloody ugly. Before the Pokémon looked natural, but now they look like Frankenstein's monsters. I know it's wrong to discriminate someone over their looks, but I have to say it, what a bunch of wankers.

So as I have to battle several battles when I'm awake when I shouldn't be. And boredom is the most annoying one of the lot. Battles that is. Everyone knows what I mean when I say boredom sucks ass. The hollow emptiness of my insides makes my eyes water. Not in the sense that I'm crying obviously. And to save any manly pride I have left, I never cry. Okay that's a lie. I cried pretty much all the way through Forest Gump. What? It's a sad movie. Oh shut up.

So I have to find things to do. And one night I actually watched all my Family Guy DVD's. So that means that I have gotten through series 1 – 7 without sleep. Yeah that was hard, but you know I did get to go to sleep afterwards. Also, I have bought a lot of movies. Every time I see one on offer, I have to go and buy it. Its like a freaking obsession. The only thing I haven't done yet, is replace all my old Videos. And believe me I am God damn close to doing this. The only thing that is in my way is the fact that I have no money. Oh, and another thing, I might be doing soon, is watching dads entire seasons of Star Trek. You see I've already watched the good one that the Trekies hate, but I like, because it has the guy from Quantum Leap in it. And that's why I'm not a Trekie. Got it? I'm not one.

But the worst thing about staying awake at night is that you have the biggest cravings to eat, ever. (Bigger that the whole white sheet craze in the American 1960's. They looked like ghosts.) This is fine for me as I'm a skinny bastard that needs feeding up, but someone has to clean the dishes in the morning, and usually, its not me. Yes every morning I get moaned at for not washing up after myself. But to be completely fair, my whole family don't clean up after themselves. Especially my Dad. What a bastard. He is always on my back to clean up my room and turn off the electrics. He is too stupid to take a shower instead of a bath. For fucks sake, the shower takes up less energy and water, therefore it cost less. What a numbskull.

So what am I going to do after I have finished this? Probably stay up until 5 watching porn. No I'm joking about that, I usually watch porn during the day. What I might do is have some toast. It is easy to clean up and maybe, later in the morning, my Mum wont moan at me for leaving a mess. But I bet she does. The thing is that now I have actually placed this bet, by the time I have posted this moan, it will be morning, and so I will know the answer. So, Goodbye and have a pleasant Tomorrow, which is now today.

But before I go, and now your cursing because I have already said Goodbye, I have one more moan. In fact its rather peculiar that the only way to understand is through a jonty little tune. But as this is on paper it is hard for me to sing while you read. So I'm just going to tell you striate, I have to go running in half an hour to train for a marathon. Yes I am that insane.

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