Sunday 24 May 2009

Womble's infinite reasons for grumpiness – Part 4 Home time joy

At the precise second I am sat in Business Studies, looking at a Unit 6 past paper. I am not about to take a moment to explain how Business Studies is ran, and the large amounts of Units within it. If you do not do Business Studies at A-Level with the exam board AQA, just understand that this is a very hard paper. Another thing to maybe mention about this past paper, is that it has two pages about Domino's Pizza and its integration to the UK. And by the way, if you "exam writers" are reading this, which I doubt, be sure to note that, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, HOW BY 2015 THEY WISH TO OWN 1000 UK OUTLETS. How could they have made something like pizza so . . . boring? Yet another thing to note is, that on the front of this paper, at the very bottom of the front sheet, it says “6/6/6.” I think that about sums it all up really.

There is one thing I am not looking forward to doing this Friday evening. That is going home. For your information, no I don't really regard myself as a nerd. (Well I like comics, but I'm not a nerd because I call them comics and not “graphic novels” to make me sound a little more intelligent, but all you are doing with that is making you sound like an idiot.) Okay, if I can rant about comics then yes I'm a nerd, but not in the sense that I enjoy college to the point that I never want to leave the place. In all honesty, I would rather not have gone to college today at all. Every other day is fine but Friday is my most annoying day. Not because my Friday socks have holes in them in the most ridiculous places, like on the top of the sock, (how on earth I managed to do this is way past my understanding. (And my bed time.)) but because Friday holds my longest tiring day of the proverbial week.

So at 4.15 I'm out of lesson. Out of college and off home. Bollocks. On Fridays I am always welcomed home with my sister watching, and most of all, hogging the TV. Yes that is right, the discombobulating noncancerous bollocks that is today's television programs, plagues my house. What ever happened to the good old stuff like, Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain. No! Now I have to live with modern day crap and soap operas that slowly rot my insides. “Dramas” like 902108567200410 and “Waterloo Road???” torment me into hiding in my bedroom 24hours a day. Yes I live in my bedroom. This isn't weird at all for a 17 year old teenager.

At this point, and I seem to say that an increasingly amount these days, I would like to add that I regret starting this chain of crap from which I might have been born from. Not only does it keep me up at night thinking how the next moan is going to pan out, with all its complexities of life, but I also forget what the fuck I am on about. And that is occurring way too often for comfort.

So I'm back home at this winter(/summer as that is what it practically is now) of my dis contempt. And there is one Television program that my sister, and the rest of the family I might add, insist on watching every blood day. This is comedy show, that I loved so much in my younger days, but now hate as it brings a fresh warm sensation of blood to my face, is called Friends. The fact that E4 choose to have the whole of the 10 seasons on loop every bloody month is one thing. But my sister has every single episode on DVD. BIG MISTAKE! In fact, it would be a very uncommon thing to find me watching a friends episode that I haven't seen before. This is because I have seen every bloody episode about ten million times. Okay maybe a tiny bit less than that. (I'll say that again.) I've seen them all 6 times, (better?) which is plenty enough. So thank you Rebecca Womble, and I know you are reading this, God (that is me) will damn you for ruining my comedy shows. I brought it into this house and you personally destroyed every single iota of happiness that was given from it.

Moving on! I am now up to the point where I am going to slag off Facebook. If you are reading this off my Blogger page, which I doubt as it seems nobody in the Blogger community is interested in my moanings, and they have every right to ignore it, then you might be confused, but I am writing this for myself and nobody else. I say myself but it is hard to write anything at the moment. The thing is I am actually happy at this point in my life. It is so hard to moan about life when you are happy with life itself, which by the way, is something to moan about. Paradox, the annoyance of satirical writer, is happiness. (Thank you Nathan for that one.) And essentially, when I need to be grumpy, when I am writing these chronicles. I must be the only person in the world, at the moment, that wants to be sad. Makes you think doesn't it?

So, Facebook at my house on a Friday afternoon. What a complete letdown. I came upstairs to get away from the complexities of modern life, and nobody bloody talks to me. (Of cause with the exception of my loyal readers, which I would like to suggest is not many.) But the point is nobody writes on my wall any more (if they did in the first place), in fact nobody even has a second glance at my profile in general. The whole point in Facebook is that you comment on things that you wouldn't usually comment on. And yes Nathan, that means you! If you are reading this just comment. Its easy. Makes me feel good about myself.

Now I've blown it. I have gone all preaching and desperate for attention again. Quick phone the doctors...

Another thing with Facebook is it's chat. It is the most arduous thing I have ever came across! And you know what . . . Myspace have stolen the idea and made worse. I wasn't aware of this until I clicked on a link the other day. My God why cant Facebook just give my friends my MSN and then I wont have to hear the infernal POP every time someone press's enter. And its God damn faster that Facebook anyway. Oh, hang on a sec . . . it does give my friends my MSN. Then its your fault, my loyal “friends,” most of which I don't know, use your common sense and think about me for once.

Okay now you can see I'm starting to ramble and preach a bit too much. And if you can actually see me typing away at my computer I am one scared person. Please just tap me on the shoulder and say hi. Oh the suspence is killing me. Are you there or not. No you are not theretyvhju

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